Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Erika's parents did something they said they would never do...Move to southern California. They kind of cheated though because they are living and working in the beautiful mts. at a Christian conference center. No smog, no traffic, 115 degree summers, no electricity (just kidding about that last one). We feel so blessed to be able to live so close to both of our parents. On our last trip we saw some very strange things...
A man who works for them turned his Mercedes-benz into a driving dog house. He took the passenger seat out, the back seat out and made a flat, carpeted deck so his dog could chill while he was at work.

Swamp monster. (Erika's dad after running wire and fixing a leak under their cabin.)

Erika snuggling with a sasquatch

fish-bus-Cadillac car.


At 8:37 AM, Blogger Matt & Laurie said...

Chad... your new beard makes you look either Amish, Mennonite, or like a Mormon pioneer. Ha ha, just kidding - hope your doing well. Just stopping by.

At 6:56 AM, Blogger rztw said...

I've decided my new dream car is a station wagon. it just makes so much sense. if i had a dog i wouldn't have to take out my front seat so he would have enough space to sleep and i could fit all my yoga gear back there.


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