Sunday, June 18, 2006

just a note

I am sorry we have not had more time to keep you guys updated, things have been non-stop for us this summer. I really want to write in more detail when we get back. Tomorrow we are leaving taking a group of high school students on a 2 week trip. The program is called "Old School" please keep us in your prayers. We are most nerveous about the teaching we have to do on the trip. So many of these kids through out the summer have been through so much. Please also pray God would give us wisdom as we try to point them to Jesus. Also please pray for my Grandma Sally she has cancer in her Liver, we just found out and the Dr. said she might not live that much longer. She is a Christian and sounds like she is excited about going home. Thats all for now, got to get back to the trailer. talk to you in two weeks Lord Willing!
Chad and Erika

Well i told you i would post some picture of our summer home when we finally got moved in and here it is! some of you might think we are joking but this is really where we are living. I put in an ac window unit so thinks stay pretty cool and dry for where we are. It's cozy and it dosn't take much for us to be happy. That is a work of God in our hearts! Posted by Picasa

We think it is a 50's model maybe 60's  Posted by Picasa

A true mobile home! (well once you get it off those blocks.) Posted by Picasa